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The project consisted in 2 research phases, that were designed to help at achieving more qualitative resuts. This phase was implemented by each participating organization in local communities in their country. First stage of the research was focused on teenagers and the need to define their challenges when practicing sports when it comes to bullying and gender inequality. The research was elaborated by research coordinators, who also interpreted the results and created final reports. All national reports were centralized and a research summary was created and uploaded to be consulted freely on our website by any stakeholder. The research included 200 subjects from small communities in each country, ensuring gender balance. Subjects are aged 15-20, high school or university students, who are practicing grassroots sports. The research was conducted in partnership with local high schools or sport clubs, where participants will be selected. After interpreting the results from the first stage, the conclusions were presented to sport teachers and coaches from high schools and sport clubs, for the 2nd research we conducted in the implementation phase. During the project, we focused on small urban areas, but the research results are available for a large-range of stakeholders. 20 sport teachers or coaches from sport clubs in each country were presented with the findings of the 1st stage of the research and they were interviewed for discovering or proposing best practices to combat bullying in sport activities for youth. Each national coordinator of the research submitted a national report, while a general summary is realized and published on this page taking into consideration all national reports. Based on the best practices identified or proposed and on the conclusions of the study, one training for sport teachers and coaches was prepared.

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